In the city of Waco, DUI (Driving Under the Influence) and DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) are considered serious offenses that can lead to severe penalties and even arrest, especially if a person is charged with these crimes that may cause an injury or death of any individual. If you or your loved ones are charged with these offenses, applying for DUI and DWI bail bonds in Waco, TX, is the only solution to prevent yourself or your family from getting arrested.
This blog is a detailed guide for you to understand everything about DUI/DWI charges and how they can impact your bail bonds.
What Are DUI/DWI Charges?
In Waco, crimes are generally divided into two categories: felony and misdemeanor. If a person is charged with DUI/DWI, it falls in the category of a misdemeanor and the punishment will be served by the court based on the misdemeanor level as follows:
First Level or Class A Misdemeanor
If a person is charged with the offense of first level or class A misdemeanor, it may cause him/her at least 5 years in jail with fines up to $10,000.
Second Level or Class B Misdemeanor
If a person is charged with the offense of second level or class B misdemeanor, it may cause him/her at least 2 years in prison and fines of more than $5,000.
Third Level or Class C Misdemeanor
If a person is charged with the offense of third level or class C misdemeanor, it may cause him/her 1 year in jail with a fine of $2,500.
Note: Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a Class C misdemeanor charge that applies to drivers under 21 years of age who are being influenced to drive a vehicle by consuming alcohol. A DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) is a class B misdemeanor charge that applies to drivers of any age who intoxicate themselves to drive a vehicle by consuming alcohol or any other harmful substances, such as drugs.
How DUI/DWI Charges Affect You from Getting Bail Bonds?
If you or your loved ones are facing DUI/DWI charges, you need to apply for DUI bail bonds in Waco, TX, and DWI bail bonds in Waco, TX, to secure yourself and your family members from jail. The amount of bail required depends on the severity of the charges, the offender’s criminal history, and other mitigating factors.
These bail bonds are typically set by a judge and must be paid by the individual to get released from the custody of law enforcement agencies. If you fail to pay these bail bonds on time, it may result in extended time in jail for you or your family members until the next date of court proceedings arrive that can lead to unnecessary disruptions in your personal and professional life and also create a negative environment in your family.
Call Gonzales Bail Bonds Today!
If you or your loved ones are facing any of these charges, and need drug charge bail bonds in Waco, TX, Gonzales Bail Bonds can help you secure release while awaiting trial. Call us today at (254) 772-8866 or visit our website and fill out the form to choose our wide range of bail bond services for a quick release of you or your family members. We look forward to helping you!